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Contract Research


Successfully Completed Projects

Phenos - your independent service provider in drug development

Phenos is a preclinical contract research organization with over 20 years of experience conducting preclinical research. We offer a full range of in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies to assess the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetic profiles of your drug candidates. We consider ourselves as extension of your R & D team providing experimental services and animal models together with scientific expertise. We operate under strictly enforced quality standards. Depending on your needs, we can implement either complete preclinical research projects or a single study.

Phenos is specialized in disease models in the area of nephrology, obesity and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, transplantation and inflammation. We offer customized solutions for each client to meet all specific needs.

kidney CRO

Renal disease

diabetes CRO

Metabolic disease

heart disease

Cardiovascular disease

transplantation CRO

Organ transplantation

sepsis CRO


histology CRO



In vivo CRO


We are passionate about science and we thrive on getting projects across the finish line. We apply our team’s intelligence, knowledge and experience, taking a creative yet practical approach.

“In Phenos we found a flexible and knowledgeable Partner for our preclinical research. Based on a state of the art scientific background, Phenos’ people deliver results fast and reliable, contributing significantly to the acceleration of our own product development efforts.”


—  Paul  W. Th. J.  Leufkens,  Pharm.  D.,  MBA,  Director Product Development, 

Exponential Biotherapies, Inc. ("EBI")

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